27.09.2012 22:46
Obama belongs to Democrats party, They are like the Liberal Party support civil rights, Also, They deffend civil liberties, Besides, They support immigration and they are generally more progressive.
Mitt belongs to Republicans party would put more...
27.09.2012 22:28
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. He is married Michel . They have two kids , He was senator's illinois. He was president of the united states .
Mitt was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947. His mother, Lenore, gave up...
27.09.2012 22:17
America's choice 2012
In this text, I'm going to tell to you about the two candidates for president of the United States.
27.09.2012 21:48
According abore I suggest to vote because the proposed great ideas to improve the community, because the program offers the best health, because the country does not want war and not only wants to help his country if not all america.
27.09.2012 01:22
President Obama passed Wall Street reform to make sure that Americans would never again have to pay to bail out big banks.
President Obama implemented the Race to the Top initiative, which has already helped spur 46 states to raise standards by...
27.09.2012 01:06
Obama belongs to the Democratic Party which is one of the two major political parties in the United States of America. They support liberalism. They support capitalism and state intervention. Democrats are not opposed to tax cuts for citizens and private companies, but are...
27.09.2012 00:59
Barack Obama
President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961, to a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas.After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked as an organizer to help rebuild...
27.09.2012 00:07
America's choice 2012
In this text, I'm going to tell you about two candidates for the U.S. presidency and his personal and political life. In the end, I will recommend one of these two candidates.
26.09.2012 23:30
According abore I suggest to vote Mitt because Mitt is a person who cares about their community, because it helps a lot to the unprotected and is passionate about what he does, because he cares about the youth and education, because it does not focus on the war and not support any form of drug...
26.09.2012 21:51
Obama has reaffirmed his commitment to of immigration reform and expand the opportunities available to members of our military and businessmen.
Obama is committed to strengthening global leadership...