Daniela Sanchez Page
My Resolution
18.08.2012 22:42
I'm going to practice more exercise because I'm very sedentary and my body doesn't look healthy. ![](https://d2dc450f09.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/241c171af6c7e3e9ef1a6e37a6ea9200/200000094-a3f73a4eec/formas-de-obtener-una-alimentacion-saludable_lrw1i.jpg)
I'm going to practice athletics because I want to win all the championships.![](https://d2dc450f09.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/241c171af6c7e3e9ef1a6e37a6ea9200/200000125-0fe6310da0/small.jpg)
I'm going to study like a genius because I want to use all my brain and my capabilities.![](https://d2dc450f09.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/241c171af6c7e3e9ef1a6e37a6ea9200/200000126-b9c3cba991/donald-estudiando.gif)
I'm going to be more sociable with my class friends because I want to help them in the class![](https://d2dc450f09.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/241c171af6c7e3e9ef1a6e37a6ea9200/200000127-31a933444b/SOCIABLE PROTO.jpg)
Ely Moreno
20.08.2012 01:03The following text is about the life of one of the bets athletes for me, attending to the 2012 Olimpics games in London-2012 . In this opportunity in this city incharged to welcome the most out standing athletes of the world.
Here, I want to focus in one participant in particular. Her name is Ely Moreno , She was born on April 15, 1985. She is from Carepa , Antioquia,Colombia. Her parents are Carlos Luciano Moreno and Irene Valencia and she come from a united family. Their studies are graduated in Medellin .
Being said that, let's take a look about her sport life. She participated in South american championship and central american and caribbean games.She was in south american championship, where she did a throw of 64.94 m and achieved her best season of 64.40 m .
Among her biggest achievements , it is important to mention that she has won a championship "south american championship" in Brasil and Lima, Peru . She won " Central american and caribbean championship in Puerto Rico.
To conclude this written, It is necessary for me to say that is my hero because she is a super woman because she has time for her study, family and sport life. Also She has discipline and confidense in herself.
London 2012
20.08.2012 01:21
Athlete name: Ely Moreno
Sport Discipline: Athletism Hammer Throw
Competition Dates :
Qualification - Wednesday, 08 August 2012
Competition Time: One Days
Competition Place: Olympic Stadium
Competition scord:
27.09.2012 22:17America's choice 2012
In this text, I'm going to tell to you about the two candidates for president of the United States.
Personal Information
27.09.2012 22:28OBAMA
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. He is married Michel . They have two kids , He was senator's illinois. He was president of the united states .
Mitt was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947. His mother, Lenore, gave up an acting career when she met and married his father, George. Mitt married his wife, Ann, in 1969.Mitt is not a career politician.
Political Parties Principles
27.09.2012 22:46Obama
Obama belongs to Democrats party, They are like the Liberal Party support civil rights, Also, They deffend civil liberties, Besides, They support immigration and they are generally more progressive.
Mitt belongs to Republicans party would put more emphasis on traditional values and "Christians", they are representing sectors and religious fundamentalist, they are economicamimente most privileged.
Campaign proposals
27.09.2012 22:56OBAMA
Obama is fighting to grow the economy from the middle class out, not the top down.
Obama want put an affordable, high-quality education within reach for millions more students and their families.
Obama has a plan to further cut oil imports in half by 2020. By developing all of our resources, it can create jobs and make America more energy independent.
Obama believes that quality, affordable health insurance you can rely on is a key part of middle-class security. By putting a stop to insurance company abuses.
Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation.
Mitt Romney will approach retraining policy with a conservative mindset that recognizes it as an area where the federal government.
Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. Iit need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.
Mitt Romney believes in the right of workers to join a union or to not join a union. To exercise that right freely, workers must have access to all the relevant facts they need to make an informed decision.
Who recomends you to vote and why?
27.09.2012 23:12
According abore I suggest to vote obama because he cares about education and health, he does not neglect to immigrants, also he helps prevent the war and he help the homeless protection programs.
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