Campaign proposals
26.09.2012 21:51OBAMA
Obama has reaffirmed his commitment to of immigration reform and expand the opportunities available to members of our military and businessmen.
Obama is committed to strengthening global leadership by maintaining a strong military and cling to our values and ideals.
He is taking measures to create more jobs for Americans, and to restore the safety of the working class in the coming decades.
Obama impulsed and passed the Health Care Affordable to restore health care as the foundation of the safety of the working class in the United States.
Obama kept his promise to bring home the troops from Iraq in a safe and responsible manner.
Health Care
Our health care system is blessed with many extraordinary strengths. It produces and attracts the best and the brightest across all fields of medicine, and provides unparalleled innovation, choice, and quality of care. But it also faces significant challenges: high cost, inefficiency, inconsistency, and tens of millions of Americans lacking insurance coverage. We can fix these problems.
Across the nation, our school system is a world leader in spending yet lags on virtually every measure of results. Higher education is becoming at once more important and more unaffordable than ever, stretching family finances and producing new graduates who have too much debt.
Human Capital
Mitt Romney sees two important objectives that America can pursue immediately to build on the extraordinary traditional strengths of its workforce. The first is to retrain American workers to ensure that they have the education and skills to match the jobs of today’s economy. The second is to attract the best and the brightest from around the world.
Understanding that a healthy economy is the key to a healthy housing market, Mitt Romney has an economic plan that will result in more jobs and more take home pay. Independent economists estimate that the plan will create 12 million jobs by the end of his first term, an essential element to ending the housing crisis.
Gun Rights
Mitt will work to expand and enhance access and opportunities for Americans to hunt and shoot. He also will defend the right of individuals to protect their families, homes, and property, and he will fight the battle on all fronts to protect and promote the Second Amendment.